Safety & Security

Here's how we work to keep our campus safe for students, faculty, staff and visitors.

students walking on campus

The safety of our students is critical to fulfilling the academic mission. Our Towson University Police Department is accredited by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and vested with full authority to enforce campus, local and state laws. The department’s award-winning crime prevention and awareness programs—including the community safety dashboard, emergency text alerts, campus escort programs, and —are built to help students stay informed of potential dangers so they can safely focus on learning. 

Emergency Preparedness

Our Office of Emergency Preparedness works with the ¼ªÏéÂ齫 Police Department, All-Hazards Preparedness Committee and representatives from across campus to keep the university prepared for emergencies. We conduct annual emergency preparedness exercises, drills and training sessions to test and strengthen our response systems and practices.

We recommend that all students watch the  and the , and review the Emergency Resources Guide to help prepare for emergency situations.

If an emergency does occur, students may be alerted in a number of ways, including via the campus’s external siren and speaker system, the campus internal public address systems, or through campus desktop messages, email messages, emergency text messages; campus phone messages, the ¼ªÏéÂ齫 website or media alerts.